Key Stage Two Summer Activities

Looking for KS2 Summer Activities? Then look no further! We know how challenging it can be trying to keep children focussed with everything going on in school during the summer term. From sports days to school plays and trips, the summer term can often seem to be a blur and English and Maths are often harder to fit in, in a meaningful way. We love The Reading Agency’s reading challenge, which students can participate in both at home and at school to ensure they keep reading and maintain the progress they’ve made throughout the year. We also have a range of activities that allow students to revisit the years learning in a fun and engaging way.

Summer Activity Booklets

These booklets, for both Lower and Upper Key Stage Two are ideal to use when the days are full of extra-curricular activities leaving you with small windows of time to fill. The booklets contain calculation colouring pages, times tables activities, spelling anagrams, silly story writing and a drawing challenge. Students can spend a whole afternoon completing their booklets or do bits at a time. 

Code Breaker

With a code breaker lesson for both Lower and Upper KS2, these lessons focus on using the four operations to ‘crack a code’. Students are guided through the activity with a PPT, they can then work their way through the appropriate level of activity for them or even try all three levels.

 Escape Room

Our Upper Key Stage Two Grammar and Maths themed escape rooms are particularly popular at this time of year as they allow students to revisit learning from throughout the year. Students can work in groups, pairs or even on their own to try and find the clues and escape the room!

Happy Summer Learning!