This newspaper report writing unit would make a great unit to be taught alongside a Science unit on forces, or as a way to revisit Scientific knowledge.
The first ten lessons explore text type, followed by sentence and word level work. The unit uses differentiated example text types throughout to support students understanding.
**Lesson Order**
– Hook lesson: a school has lost its gravity!
– Analysing newspaper articles.
– Formal vocabulary used in newspapers.
– Relative clauses used in newspapers.
– Parenthesis used in newspapers.
– Rhetorical questions to start and link paragraphs.
– Technical language (explaining gravity).
– Appropriate descriptive language used in newspapers.
– Writing a conclusion, focussing on how the structure is different to other parts of the report.
– Writing the report: writing the introduction.
– Writing the report: writing paragraphs 2 and 3.
– Writing the report: writing paragraph 4 and conclusion.
– Writing the report: editing, with a report for students to practise editing.
– Writing the report: publishing.
All lesson activities are downloaded as PDF files.
Looking for something for lower KS2? Try our newspaper unit aimed at Years 3 and 4.